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R. Nir Ben Artzi - Some Accurate Predictions
26 Adar II 5771
Here are a few articles which caught my eye and made me think of some of Rabbi Ben Artzi's predictions. Needless to say, if no "great" earthquake materializes in the next 60 hours, this will be the last post on Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi. On the other hand...
"Oil fields in Eretz Yisrael"
Oil shale reserves can turn Israel into major world producer
"According to Dr Vinegar, Israel has the second-biggest oil shale deposits in the world, outside the US: "We estimate that there is the equivalent of 250 billion barrels of oil here. To put that in context, there are proven reserves of 260 billion barrels of oil in Saudi Arabia."
"Chaos everywhere except Eretz Yisrael, it will be good in Eretz Yisrael"
Farmers: One of the Most Successful Winters
"Israel's farmers are very satisfied with the rains that fell this past winter in Israel. ...the wheat which reached new heights this year, the likes of which he cannot remember for years."
"Jews won't be able to sell their homes"
How low will home prices go?
"...prices in the top twenty U.S. Markets were down 3.1% in January, year over year, and the slide is accelerating. Eleven of the top twenty hit new price lows on the index. ...weakening home prices with no real hope in sight for the near future."
"America's economy will collapse"
Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon expects inflation
"U.S. consumers face "serious" inflation in the months ahead for clothing, food and other products, ....
...inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."
Here are a few articles which caught my eye and made me think of some of Rabbi Ben Artzi's predictions. Needless to say, if no "great" earthquake materializes in the next 60 hours, this will be the last post on Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi. On the other hand...
"Oil fields in Eretz Yisrael"
Oil shale reserves can turn Israel into major world producer
"According to Dr Vinegar, Israel has the second-biggest oil shale deposits in the world, outside the US: "We estimate that there is the equivalent of 250 billion barrels of oil here. To put that in context, there are proven reserves of 260 billion barrels of oil in Saudi Arabia."
"Chaos everywhere except Eretz Yisrael, it will be good in Eretz Yisrael"
Farmers: One of the Most Successful Winters
"Israel's farmers are very satisfied with the rains that fell this past winter in Israel. ...the wheat which reached new heights this year, the likes of which he cannot remember for years."
"Jews won't be able to sell their homes"
How low will home prices go?
"...prices in the top twenty U.S. Markets were down 3.1% in January, year over year, and the slide is accelerating. Eleven of the top twenty hit new price lows on the index. ...weakening home prices with no real hope in sight for the near future."
"America's economy will collapse"
Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon expects inflation
"U.S. consumers face "serious" inflation in the months ahead for clothing, food and other products, ....
...inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."
R. Ben Artzi: Famine Coming to America
“The economy will collapse, the dollar will fall, there will be famine in the United States”
HaRav Nir Ben Artzi presents the predictions for the coming year: "The economy will collapse, the dollar will fall, the stock market will go down, there will be famine in America, the result of which will be that the gentiles will disturb the Jews from living there." He advises Jews in the United States to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael: "Sell everything, move to Israel. Thus will you escape the losses expected in the U.S."
Report by Yisrael Aharon for Kikar HaShabbat
24 Adar II 5771, 30 Mar '11
In a comprehensive interview to be published tomorrow in "B'Sha'ah Tovah", noteworthy sections will be revealed by us in “Kikar HaShabbat" for the first time. HaRav Nir Ben Artzi says that Jews who stay in America because they currently have assets in the United States are making a bitter mistake, because in the end, property values will continue to go lower and still lower and finally they will not receive any compensation for their houses - the time will come when a Jew living in America will not have success selling his house.
"I say to the Jews in chu"l one thing: sell everything and fast, and move to live in Eretz Yisrael. Thus will you escape from the losses expected for whoever is living in America, which are intended to be the means by which the Master of the World will bring up the Jews to the Land. HaKadosh Baruch Hu hints to us in every way possible that we need to come up to the Land," says the Rav.
"On the other hand," he says, "for whoever will come here, to Eretz Yisrael, good days are expected. In no time, he will discover that success and blessing are waiting for him. While at the same time whoever continues to live in chu"l will have losses. Here will be blessing and success because here is everything all in all good, diamonds, oil and gold.
“Naturally, HKB”H hides it since to the Jews it would be money. They would stop working and building up the Land, but as more and more Jews arrive, thus they will find more gold, more oil and more diamonds, when, of course, the revelations will be also according to the strengthening of Am Yisrael.
“As long as the people will get stronger and closer to HaKadosh Baruch Hu – HKB"H will give more and in Eretz Yisrael there will be revealed oil fields and gold deposits. These things are signs of the revelation of Melech HaMashiach. This will happen really soon, when according to the signs, the coming of Mashiach is really close.”
HaRav Ben Artzi also presents difficult visions for the world around us and in his words, he refers to what will happen in the Arab lands adjacent to Israel, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others, and also in faraway lands, and also here he presents visions of almost the end of the world and specifies in what manner the disintegration will come.
During the interview he refers to the special powers that he got, and also tells about the way in which he got the abilities which he was given.
HaRav Nir Ben Artzi presents the predictions for the coming year: "The economy will collapse, the dollar will fall, the stock market will go down, there will be famine in America, the result of which will be that the gentiles will disturb the Jews from living there." He advises Jews in the United States to make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael: "Sell everything, move to Israel. Thus will you escape the losses expected in the U.S."
Report by Yisrael Aharon for Kikar HaShabbat
24 Adar II 5771, 30 Mar '11
In a comprehensive interview to be published tomorrow in "B'Sha'ah Tovah", noteworthy sections will be revealed by us in “Kikar HaShabbat" for the first time. HaRav Nir Ben Artzi says that Jews who stay in America because they currently have assets in the United States are making a bitter mistake, because in the end, property values will continue to go lower and still lower and finally they will not receive any compensation for their houses - the time will come when a Jew living in America will not have success selling his house.
"I say to the Jews in chu"l one thing: sell everything and fast, and move to live in Eretz Yisrael. Thus will you escape from the losses expected for whoever is living in America, which are intended to be the means by which the Master of the World will bring up the Jews to the Land. HaKadosh Baruch Hu hints to us in every way possible that we need to come up to the Land," says the Rav.
"On the other hand," he says, "for whoever will come here, to Eretz Yisrael, good days are expected. In no time, he will discover that success and blessing are waiting for him. While at the same time whoever continues to live in chu"l will have losses. Here will be blessing and success because here is everything all in all good, diamonds, oil and gold.
“Naturally, HKB”H hides it since to the Jews it would be money. They would stop working and building up the Land, but as more and more Jews arrive, thus they will find more gold, more oil and more diamonds, when, of course, the revelations will be also according to the strengthening of Am Yisrael.
“As long as the people will get stronger and closer to HaKadosh Baruch Hu – HKB"H will give more and in Eretz Yisrael there will be revealed oil fields and gold deposits. These things are signs of the revelation of Melech HaMashiach. This will happen really soon, when according to the signs, the coming of Mashiach is really close.”
HaRav Ben Artzi also presents difficult visions for the world around us and in his words, he refers to what will happen in the Arab lands adjacent to Israel, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others, and also in faraway lands, and also here he presents visions of almost the end of the world and specifies in what manner the disintegration will come.
During the interview he refers to the special powers that he got, and also tells about the way in which he got the abilities which he was given.
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi - Parshat Tazria / HaChodesh
25 Adar II 5771
MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL IN THE LAND AND ACROSS THE WORLD, from the mouth of HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita for Parshat Tazria / HaChodesh 5771
HKB”H protects and guards over Am Yisrael. Every Jew needs to fulfill the commandments and to repair his character traits as needed, from the non-observant Jew to the strictly observant Jew. Indeed, there is no righteous person who doesn’t sin. But everyone needs to make efforts to fulfill the commandments!
HKB”H wants Am Yisrael to be in unity, unified and loving each other and then nothing bad will happen to them in any place in the world. When HKB”H sees from Heaven that Am Yisrael is united, unified and loving – He moves from the seat of judgment to the seat of mercy. He has mercy on and protects Am Yisrael. His mercies are the defense for every Jew in the Holy Land of Israel.
Arab countries were preparing, a few months ago, to go to war in the Holy Land of Israel against the Jews in the Land and in the world. HKB”H took preventative stepsand aroused arguments between them and embroiled them, so that they would be busy with themselves and not with evil thoughts about the Jews. They wanted to rise up on Am Yisrael and HKB”H overturned their intelligence and common sense to go to war with each other and within themselves. As it’s written, “Their sword shall enter their heart, and their bows shall be broken.” (Ps. 37.15) The Scriptures are completely fulfilled and today we understand this verse. That they kill one another with their own weapons – this is the explanation of “their sword shall enter their heart.”
All the Jews in the whole world: without exception, every rabbi and community head will announce with full assurance, in a loud voice and with a great shout, Ascend to the Holy Land of Israel urgently – don’t tarry. HKB”H warns a second and a third time. There is room for all the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel. All the Jewish engineers, scientists, wealthy and geniuses in the whole world – ascend to Eretz Yisrael urgently!
Eretz Yisrael is the heart of all the world. This is the life of all the world. Eretz Yisrael will flourish without end, Eretz Yisrael will grow, expand and stretch like the deer’s skin, without us feeling it, as the Zohar (Teruma 136.71) says on the verse in Daniel (11.16) the nickname of Eretz Yisrael is “Eretz HaTzvi.” HKB”H distracts the attention of all the Arab countries, so that they will be busy with themselves.
Jews! Fold up all the sifrei Torah and come up to Eretz Yisrael urgently! You don’t belong in any other place in the world. Do you believe in HKB”H? - Come up to Eretz Yisrael urgently! The Master of the World asks and begs from all the Israeli rabbis to unite and unify – you are the messengers of the Master of the World! Rebuke Am Yisrael, be busy making shalom bayit, be busy with chesed, concede one to another. When the rabbis in the Land will be unified and united, all the Jews will be protected and guarded. HKB”H is continuing and will continue to rock the whole world, except for the Holy Land of Israel.
Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, sandstorms, intense winds, rains, snow and ice will continue. Complications and complexities will continue in all countries, also in Europe and the whole world.
Mashiach Tzidkeinu is operating and working in the Holy Land of Israel. To unite and to consolidate and to rebuke Am Yisrael – so that they will be protected and guarded. This is the time and this is the moment to reveal Melech haMashiach.
MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL IN THE LAND AND ACROSS THE WORLD, from the mouth of HaRav Nir Ben Artzi, shlita for Parshat Tazria / HaChodesh 5771
HKB”H protects and guards over Am Yisrael. Every Jew needs to fulfill the commandments and to repair his character traits as needed, from the non-observant Jew to the strictly observant Jew. Indeed, there is no righteous person who doesn’t sin. But everyone needs to make efforts to fulfill the commandments!
HKB”H wants Am Yisrael to be in unity, unified and loving each other and then nothing bad will happen to them in any place in the world. When HKB”H sees from Heaven that Am Yisrael is united, unified and loving – He moves from the seat of judgment to the seat of mercy. He has mercy on and protects Am Yisrael. His mercies are the defense for every Jew in the Holy Land of Israel.
Arab countries were preparing, a few months ago, to go to war in the Holy Land of Israel against the Jews in the Land and in the world. HKB”H took preventative stepsand aroused arguments between them and embroiled them, so that they would be busy with themselves and not with evil thoughts about the Jews. They wanted to rise up on Am Yisrael and HKB”H overturned their intelligence and common sense to go to war with each other and within themselves. As it’s written, “Their sword shall enter their heart, and their bows shall be broken.” (Ps. 37.15) The Scriptures are completely fulfilled and today we understand this verse. That they kill one another with their own weapons – this is the explanation of “their sword shall enter their heart.”
All the Jews in the whole world: without exception, every rabbi and community head will announce with full assurance, in a loud voice and with a great shout, Ascend to the Holy Land of Israel urgently – don’t tarry. HKB”H warns a second and a third time. There is room for all the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel. All the Jewish engineers, scientists, wealthy and geniuses in the whole world – ascend to Eretz Yisrael urgently!
Eretz Yisrael is the heart of all the world. This is the life of all the world. Eretz Yisrael will flourish without end, Eretz Yisrael will grow, expand and stretch like the deer’s skin, without us feeling it, as the Zohar (Teruma 136.71) says on the verse in Daniel (11.16) the nickname of Eretz Yisrael is “Eretz HaTzvi.” HKB”H distracts the attention of all the Arab countries, so that they will be busy with themselves.
Jews! Fold up all the sifrei Torah and come up to Eretz Yisrael urgently! You don’t belong in any other place in the world. Do you believe in HKB”H? - Come up to Eretz Yisrael urgently! The Master of the World asks and begs from all the Israeli rabbis to unite and unify – you are the messengers of the Master of the World! Rebuke Am Yisrael, be busy making shalom bayit, be busy with chesed, concede one to another. When the rabbis in the Land will be unified and united, all the Jews will be protected and guarded. HKB”H is continuing and will continue to rock the whole world, except for the Holy Land of Israel.
Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, sandstorms, intense winds, rains, snow and ice will continue. Complications and complexities will continue in all countries, also in Europe and the whole world.
Mashiach Tzidkeinu is operating and working in the Holy Land of Israel. To unite and to consolidate and to rebuke Am Yisrael – so that they will be protected and guarded. This is the time and this is the moment to reveal Melech haMashiach.
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